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Does Boomerang Hiring Make Sense?

They quit, go to work for someone else and then come back to you – that’s a boomerang employee. In a recent Ceridian report, analyzing… Read More

Has Remote Work Killed the Sick Day?

Once upon a time, taking a sick day was pretty straightforward. Before the advent of remote work, if an employee was sick, they would either… Read More

Turnover is Not Always Bad for Business

Employee turnover is arguably the most misunderstood HR metric. For instance, prevailing wisdom states that companies should strive for the lowest number of staff departures. … Read More

HR in 2030: Predictions for the Future of Work

True – the last few years have been a reminder of how unpredictable the future of work can be. But that doesn’t mean HR shouldn’t… Read More

Recognizing National Indigenous Peoples Day: HR Resources

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. No matter who you are – Indigenous, non-Indigenous or a newcomer – this is a dedicated day to… Read More

Unleash Your Inner Superhero at the 2023 Summer Conference 

We all know that self-care is vital for our mental, emotional and physical well-being. So why is it often a struggle to prioritize ourselves? HR… Read More

5 Trends in Employee Compensation, Perks and Benefits

In today’s hiring market, a well-rounded benefits and compensation package is critical for attracting and keeping talent. In fact, 70% of younger Canadians (aged 18… Read More

Pride Month: Is your workplace LGBTQ2S+ inclusive?

LGBTQ2S+, more than just letters What is Pride Month? Pride Month, celebrated each year in June, was initially not a celebration. It was inspired by… Read More

Igniting Inspiration and Empowerment at the HR Summit

On May 16 and 17 we held the highly anticipated HR Summit, HRPA’s first in-person event of this scale since 2020. Designed specifically for HR… Read More

Why Business Analysis Skills are Crucial for HR Professionals: A Comprehensive Guide

As an HR professional, you may be wondering why business analysis skills are important and how they can benefit your career. These skills are crucial… Read More