This is my archive

Using Mentoring to Stick with New Year’s Resolutions

Every January, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions but unfortunately, only a small fraction – less than 20% according to studies – end… Read More

Member Spotlight: Kaddeem Williams

Every person who becomes an HRPA member or student member has a story to tell. So, in our 2021 Annual Report, we asked some of… Read More

6 Tips for Maximizing Your Mentoring Relationship

Mentorship is about relationship, meaning it’s a two-way street. Whether you’re an HRPA mentee or a mentor (or interested in becoming… Read More

Member Spotlight: Emilie Le Tual

Every person who becomes an HRPA member or student member has a story to tell. So, in our 2021 Annual Report, we asked some of… Read More

Join The HRPA Mentorship Program

The HRPA Mentorship Online Program is open and there’s no better time than now to find your ideal mentoring match. Whether you… Read More