This is my archive

The Impact of Psychological Safety on Coaching

An article by Dr. David Weiss, who will be speaking at HRPA’s upcoming Toronto Chapter event on September… Read More

Is ‘Quiet Quitting’ a Response to ‘Quiet Firing’?

If you’ve been on TikTok lately you’ve probably heard about quiet quitting. If not, we’ll get you up to speed on the latest workplace trend… Read More

Unlock Human Potential and Strengthen Your Organization

Today, employee expectations, flexibility and people-centric practices need to be front and center in HR practice in order to strengthen workplaces. In this scenario, empowering… Read More

Is the Great Resignation Over? Not Even Close

It’s true. The Great Resignation isn’t just a 2021 phenomenon. It’s happening right now. And although it’s taking place with more intensity in the… Read More

Walking the Walk of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Workplaces

There is a saying about the pandemic – we may all be in the same ocean, but we are not all in the same boat. Read More

Employee Monitoring: Weighing the Good and the Bad  

Measuring and increasing productivity has always been top of mind for employers. But when remote work became the new norm in the pandemic, many companies… Read More

Designing Meaningful, Authentic Employee Appreciation

In the wake of the pandemic and the ensuing “Great Resignation” more and more people are approaching work through a new lens. With 87%… Read More

HRPA Fall Conference to Address Talent Retention and Other HR Trends

With pre- and post-pandemic challenges, there is a balancing act of tackling what is immediately on the horizon, thinking about how to build resilient workplaces… Read More

HRPA Supports the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s Proposed “Right to Unplug After-Hours” Laws

The HRPA fully supports the Ontario government’s move to introduce right-to-disconnect policies. Announced on Monday, the Working for Workers Act, 2021 would require large employers… Read More

HRPA Supports Ontario Government’s Proposed Legislation to Remove Barriers for Internationally-Trained Immigrants

HRPA applauds the announcement by Minister McNaughton introducing legislation that, if passed, would remove barriers for internationally-trained immigrants trying to start… Read More