This is my archive

Closing the Gender Wage Gap

The gender wage gap is a real and substantial issue facing the Ontario economy. Read More

Pay Equity Office – Forms and Notices

Pay equity information at the provincial level. Read More

Unconscious Bias: Eliminating Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and other Discrimination

Webinar exploring discrimination in the workplace. Read More

Behavioural Insights Team – How to increase transparency of progression, pay and reward

Part of the “how to improve gender equality” series. Read More

Behavioural Insights Team – How to run structured interviews

Part of the “how to improve gender equality” series. Read More

Behavioural Insights Team – How to use skill-based assessment tasks

Part of the “how to improve gender equality” series. Read More

Behavioural Insights Team – How to establish diversity leads and diversity task forces

Part of the “how to improve gender equality” series. Read More

Behavioural Insights Team – How to set effective targets

Part of the “how to improve gender equality” series. Read More

Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion – Toolkits and Resources

Workplace EDI information. Read More

Canadian Human Rights Commission – Building a Pay Equity Plan: Employer Responsibilities

Pay equity information at the federal level. Read More