This is my archive

OHRC – OHRC Policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Policy statement on a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Drug and alcohol testing: Frequently asked questions

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Policy on Drug and Alcohol Testing

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

CHRC – Accommodation Works!

Human rights information at the federal level. Read More

CHRC Publications

Human rights information at the federal level. Read More

OHRC – Policies and guidelines

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Human Rights at Work 2008 – Third Edition

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Policy on Removing the “Canadian experience” barrier

OHRC – Investigation template

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More