HRPA 2017 Annual Meeting, gavel on podium

The Annual Meeting (AM) is one the most important events for members in the association’s calendar. Find out what we’ve accomplished on your behalf in the last twelve months; hear directly from the Chair, Board and CEO about plans for 2017-18; and have your voice heard by voting on some very important proposals.

Watch the 2017 Annual Meeting Recording


Sustainability Message:

In keeping with HRPA’s commitment to sustainability, we invite you to download these AM documents for viewing on your computer, rather than printing them out.

  • Reading the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting and any subsequent general or special meetings;
  • Confirm, refer or reject any By-Law passed by the Board;
  • Receive the audited financial statements;
  • Appoint the auditor for the coming year;
  • Receive reports from the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair of the Board on the activities of the Board and Association in the previous year;
  • Receive a report on the election of Directors;
  • Address any other matter as the Board determines may be properly brought before the meeting.